Feenix Community

The Feenix intentional community or ecovillage

is an aspiring member of GEN Europe,
the European branch of the Global Ecovillage Network.
GEN Europe defines an ecovillage as a consciously and collectively designed community where individuals
come together to create a home with a shared vision.

So here we talk about that shared vision

and the collective design process:


Shared Vision and Values

Defining shared values was one of the first things we did as a community.
In short: an appreciation of life, stillness, the power of gratitude and non violence in action and work. See more below.

group discussion


Like many GEN communities, we have adopted sociocracy as model of making decisions in a way that does not alienate people (as democracy tends to do).

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How communities relate to society and make their living
varies greatly.
Feenix participates and offers
space and possibilities to everyone,
to connect and to rejuvenate.


Finance and involement

We follow a French model of organising finances called Les Pas Sage. The model is based on equality and no-profit with sociocracy at it's base.


Community levels and joining

Community can mean different things to different people, find more about that here.

If you want to help financial (but maybe can not live here) that is also possible.